Why "Prep and Reflect"? - Prep and Reflect

Why "Prep and Reflect"?

Have you ever wondered how a company comes up with their name? It's an incredibly important decision. It's going to be on EVERYTHING and be EVERYWHERE. How did Prep and Reflect come to be? 


Our Founder's Story

At Boston College and Harvard during Erin's teaching practicums, she was graded on a variety of things: classroom management, the lesson, teacher-led vs student-led portions, assessments, etc.

She noticed a pattern during all those years of teaching: Erin always got her highest marks in unit and lesson prepping and in unit and lesson reflecting. Her professors and advisors were consistently amazed at her thoughtfulness, being attuned to not only the minute details, but also seeing the big picture.

Erin then brought these gifts into her own classrooms. She helped students prepare as much as possible for whatever was ahead, whether that be an assignment or project, a test, a tricky social situation at recess, or how to best manage their time outside her classroom. And we constantly reflected; on our own academic progress and reaching mastery (80%), how we can be better classmates and friends, and how to take care of ourselves when we may not be physically or emotionally able to learn in the moment (I had a calm corner in my classroom, just like how I now have one in my home).

When I left teaching to be a stay-at-home mom, I missed working with kids, especially in helping them plan ahead and thinking mindfully about past events. With all of this, my hope was to bring the powers of prepping and reflecting to even more people. And so, Prep and Reflect was founded.

A Partnership was Formed

Erin called Alyson one day, and told her about her idea to make intentional, reflective planners and journals for kids and adults, and she told Alyson the name. Alyson stopped and said, "Erin, check to make sure your name isn't taken on Gmail, on Instagram, on Pinterest." Sure enough, it wasn't! With Alyson's help, the two formed an LLC, and Erin knew she didn't want to do this without Alyson. It was the perfect partnership.


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